Readings for December (Year C)
Sunday 1st December - Advent Sunday (start of Year C)
Liturgical colour. Purple
Readings; Jeremiah 33; 14 - 16
1 Thessalonians 3; 9 - end
Luke 21; 25 - 36
Sunday 8th December - 2nd Sunday of Advent
Liturgical colour. Purple
Readings; Malachi 3; 1 - 4
Philippians 1; 3 - 11
Luke 3; 1 - 6
Sunday 15th December - 3rd Sunday of Advent
Liturgical colour. Purple
Readings; Zephaniah 3; 14 - end
Philippians 4; 4 - 7
Luke 3; 7 - 18
Sunday 22nd December - 4th Sunday of Advent
Liturgical colour. Purple
Readings; Micah 5; 2 - 5a
Hebrews 10; 5 - 10
Luke 1; 39 - 45 [46 - 55]
Tuesday 24th December - Christmas Eve
Liturgical colour. Gold / white
Readings; Isaiah 9; 2 - 7
Titus 3; 4 - 7 (this is change from published)
Luke 2; 1 - 14 [15 - 20]
Wednesday 25th December - Christmas Day
Liturgical colour. Gold / White
Readings; Isaiah 52; 7 - 10
Hebrews 1; 1 - 4 [5 - 12]
John 1; 1 - 14
Sunday 29th December - 1st Sunday of Christmas
Liturgical colour. White
Readings; 1 Samuel 2; 18 - 20 & 26
Colossians 3; 12 - 17
Luke 2; 41 - end