Message from the Rector
Dear Friends,
Happy New Year!
The build up to Christmas is always exciting and just a bit manic. In contrast, January can feel more than a little flat! It is the same in church. It was lovely seeing so many of you at our Christmas services and, I hope that you all had a satisfactory Christmas.
January is Epiphany, where we look at the different ways that Jesus showed us who he was. We start with the Kings, we look at the presentation in the temple, and his baptism by John the Baptist. This year, we have an added celebration, as Archdeacon Rich will be coming to worship with us at St Peter’s, Stutton on 26th January at 11.00. This will be followed by a bring and share lunch. This will certainly cheer us up!
Our parish pantries in Holbrook and Stutton have been up and running for a little over a year now and, are being well used. Like the food banks, we run the parish pantries on voluntary donations – at the moment it is mainly folk from the church who are donating but, we would welcome donations of dried, canned and packet goods – these will go to people in the villages. For Stutton, donations can be made through the school. At Holbrook, we have a drop off point in the church porch. Both villages are also served by the food banks at Manningtree and Ipswich. Donations for FIND can be made via the Co-op at Holbrook.
With blessings