You can download the Parish Giving form from Woolverstone and Stutton Churches page or if you prefer use the phone service below.
Please set up a regular gift to support your parish by calling
0333 002 1271
You will need your personal bank details and your parish PGS Code (below)
Stutton St Peter, 330633114, St Eds & Ipswich
Woolverstone St Michael, 330633118, St Eds & Ipswich
You will be asked for confirmation of Gift Aid status and your optional Inflationary Increase decision.
Once completed you will receive written confirmation of your direct debit and full donation details.
Changes to donations can be made to the PGS Team on 0333 002 1260 or email to info@parishgiving.org.uk or by writing to Parish Giving Scheme, 76 Kingsholm Road, Gloucester, GL1 3BD.