Our Services
Welcome to our services page, the services for each month are listed under the links below.
We have a number of different services which happen regularly in the Benefice at the moment:-
Holy Communion – Book of Common Prayer (1662) – a formal quiet communion service from the Old Prayer book in ‘traditional language’
Holy Communion or Parish Communion – Common Worship – Still fairly formal, but in modern language.
Informal Commuion Service – Based on Common Worship, but informal – the Clergy will not robe, and the exploration of the bible readings may well be interactive with some lead discussions and perhaps activities.
Morning Prayer – usually a common worship service of the word
Mattins – a traditional service of Morning Prayer, usually lead by one of our lay ministers
We will be reintroducing some family worship, but this is in development at the moment so watch this space.
During the year there will be other types of services for our festivals, such as Easter, Christmas and Remembrance, Harvest and Rogation, and as Covid regulations lift we may well schedule in services to remember or celebrate.
We also carry out Weddings, Funerals and Baptisms, and are happy to help you celebrate or remember other events.