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St Michael's Church Woolverstone

St Michael’s, is the largest of the five church buildings in the Benefice, was
originally the estate church and is often referred to as ‘the Church in the Park’. In the
1860’s Sir George Gilbert Scott rebuilt the chancel and in 1889 the nave was rebuilt by J P St Aubyn. The parapet and pinnacles are typical of him and surmount what is still basically a 15th century
tower. The 15th century porch has survived this upheaval.

The church is open daily.

Our Churchwardens

St Michaels Woolverstone will normally have a service on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays and be open for private prayer  daily between 9.00 am and 6.00 pm

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Church Copyright License 57746

Streaming License 2002511

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